helical gears motor
Small Gear motor Horizontal, Small Gear motor Vertical, Helical Gears High Gear motor, Vertical Gear box High Gear motor, Double shaft gear motor, Vertical 3 Phase ac induction motors, Bevel gear reducer, Mini Geared Motors, Electric motor three phase, Electric motor single phase,

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of gears
14:04 01/09/2018
Advantages and disadvantages of different types of gears

Difference between 50Hz and 60Hz frequency
19:58 30/11/2017
50Hz vs 60Hz in operating speed
The primary difference between 50 Hz (Hertz) and 60 Hz (Hertz) is, well, 60Hz is 20% higher in frequency.

How to properly operate a three-phase motor using single-phase power
19:48 30/11/2017
There are several methods to operating a three-phase motor using single-phase power to make what would be an otherwise expensive and arduous process a little easier.

Single-Phase Motor - Types, Uses, Advantages and Disadvantages
19:42 30/11/2017
Depending on the type of machine and application you require, some motors will work better than others. If you are running smaller equipment that requires less horsepower, a single-phase motor will work best for your needs.

Getting the most out of gearboxes
11:11 30/11/2017
All factory equipment requires some degree of maintenance, monitoring, and replacement, but some need much more than others. One group of high-maintenance components are gearboxes.

Selecting Motors for Industrial Applications
23:08 22/11/2017
Efficient use of motors is always important, but there are many other things to consider when specifying an electric motor. Mechanical and environmental considerations are on the list, as is the application and operation.

Different types of motors and their use
23:01 22/11/2017
When purchasing a motor, it’s often asked which technology is better, AC or DC, but the fact is that it is application and cost dependent.

Determining Gear Ratio and Its Importance
22:44 22/11/2017
In order to calculate gear ratio and speed, it is important to understand what a gear is. A gear is a toothed wheel that works together with another toothed wheel to alter the speed or direction of a driving mechanism (such as a motor).

What is a Current Transformer?
22:35 22/11/2017
There are more to power systems than meets the eye. In fact, we cannot actually see electricity, but we can see how it works (or doesn’t work).

Speed reducers: main applications and how to improve their operation
10:33 18/11/2017
We could consider speed reducers as a major invention which, without a doubt, see a greater notoriety and presence in current times, being used in practically every machine around us.

When Does Poor Power Quality Cause Electronics Failures?
11:17 12/11/2017
To many of us, the utility power grid is a vast system of unknowns. Its performance can make unprotected electronic equipment useless.

Why electric motors fail
11:12 12/11/2017
Despite the dependence on these motors and their vital roles in industry, electric motors can fail for many reasons leading to losses in productivity and associated profitability.

Reasons Why Marketers Need Image Recognition
08:15 11/11/2017
If your customers are seeking visual data via image recognition, it’s important to understand why. If marketers are not utilizing image recognition technology, they are missing out on a lot of valuable data.

The different types of gears
19:29 09/11/2017
A gear drive has three main functions: to increase torque from the driving equipment (motor) to the driven equipment, to reduce the speed generated by the motor, and/or to change the direction of the rotating shafts.

Motor and Gearbox
17:00 02/11/2017
Originally, gear trains and the structure that houses them (called gearheads, gear reducers or gearboxes) were created for two following main reasons:

What is a Gear Reducer?
20:47 29/10/2017
A gear reducer is a mechanism by which the energy output of a high-speed motor or engine is redirected to turn another mechanical component at a lower rotational speed and at a higher torque.

How a Gear Motor Works
21:00 24/10/2017
A gear motor is a specific type of electrical motor that is designed to produce high torque while maintaining a low horsepower, or low speed, motor output.

Gear motor Selection: Gearbox Reducer Housing Materials
11:06 10/10/2017
Shafts, bearings, seals, gears, oil/grease: all essential components to the successful operation of a fractional horsepower gearmotor.

Advantages & Disadvantages of DC
14:52 06/09/2017
Almost every mechanical movement that we see today is accomplished by an electric motor. An electric motor takes electrical energy and produces mechanical energy.

Understanding Motor and Gearbox Design
13:37 12/08/2017
Why Spend Time Choosing the Right Motor and Gearbox? Choosing the correct combination of a motor and a gearbox for a given application is very important in actual engineering projects.
- What is a Gearmotor? What are its Uses? Why Dolin gear reducer motor? (13:30 12/08/2017)
- DC motors advantages and disadvantages over AC motors? (19:46 01/08/2017)
- How to Calculate the RPM of a Motor and Speed Reducer (16:47 09/07/2017)
- The Benefits of Gearboxes — and When to Pick Integrated Gearmotors (20:08 05/05/2017)
- Advantages And Disadvantages Of Single Phase Motors (19:50 04/05/2017)
- Advantages & Disadvantages of Electric Motors (19:42 04/05/2017)
- Electric Motor Advantages and Disadvantages (19:16 04/05/2017)
- Parallel shaft gear motors, applications and advantages (09:56 01/05/2017)